Krampus VS Christmas: First Encounter
Jacob Marley’s overindulgence led to molar cavities. After years of neglect, one molar became infected, which prompted Krampus’s Unfairies to extract it. Unfairies have a protocol, implemented by Krampus’s orders, to report obtainable assets of vulnerable people to Krampus. The Unfairies reported that Jacob Marley was one of the(if not the most) wealthiest people in the world. They also reported that Marley was an investment banker who co-owned an investment firm called, Scrooge and Marley. This prompted Krampus and his Elvils to investigate Jacob Marley’s estate, thoroughly, in the dead of night while Marley was dead asleep. One of several key findings was that the firm Marley co-owned, Scrooge and Marley, was the foremost contributor to London’s first railway line, which opened in February 1836(11 months before Jacob Marley’s death) between Spa Road in Bermondsey and Deptford. Krampus learned that there was an extension to the terminus at the south end of the London Bridge that was soon to be opened on 14 December 1836(10 days prior to Jacob Marley’s death). While this information wasn’t necessarily relevant to Krampus at the time of discovery, he went to the new railway to investigate.
The steam train was a fairly new conception – at least to Krampus who watched the world progress over the centuries. As an avid learner, Krampus wanted to learn more about steam power in general. Not particularly steam powered trains, but the way in which steam powered items work. Krampus was disappointed to see the railway was empty. No trains in sight. Krampus and the Elvils silently crept around the train station and rail yard searching for steam powered trains. However, Krampus and his minions aren’t the only polar community that works in the shadows. During their search, a massive portal suddenly appeared on the middle of the railway tracks followed by a gust of blistering cold, snowy wind. A minute after, a massive train with the words, POLAR EXPRESS on the sides, came roaring from the portal. It was covered in snow, yet it hadn’t snowed in London in over a week. This train was obviously coming from somewhere else. Krampus and the Elvils stayed out of sight with perplexed reactions.
After the Polar Express came to a stop, all the car/wagon doors rolled open. A blast of ice came from the first car, and created a ramp from the car to ground level. Then a snowman(Frosty) slid down the ramp. The snowman then slid, in great haste, to nearly every traincar and repeated the same ramp building process. The snowman then began paving over the roadway by creating an instant road made of ice, which led to the train station. Box crates were pushed from the cars down the ice ramps and teams of Elves organized the boxes on the newly paved ice road into a straight line. Santa led a group reindeer, who were wearing spiked hooved shoes of sorts, off the Polar Express. Then a giant white wolf(Amarok) departed the train, pulling out a large sleigh. Then a giant hairy white monster(the Yeti) followed, who was assisting the wolf by pushing the sleigh from behind. One of the reindeer had a powerful red light beaming from it’s face. For the first time in a very long time, Krampus was shocked. Until this point, Krampus had only heard stories about Santa, the Elves, and the magic reindeer. Krampus remained hidden, observing this powerful group’s operation. Santa linked the reindeer together and tethered their reigns to the sleigh while the Elves tethered the crates together and to the back end of the sleigh. Santa entered the sleigh, grabbed the reigns, whistled a single loud note, then chanted,
“Now Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On Cupid! On, Donner and Blitzen!
Shine the path, Rudolph, and make the ice glisten!”
Upon completing the chant, the reindeer immediately began pulling the sleigh and all the straggling crates down the icy path.
During the commotion, Krampus ordered 3 Elvils to sneak aboard the caboose of the Polar Express to find out where it’s stationed and to gain any useful information. Once the Elvils completed their reconnaissance, they were ordered to make a fire in the open on midnight the following day so that he may open a gateway there. Then Krampus went to investigate the front of the train to analyze it’s power source. To his surprise, the locomotive was occupied by a large ghostly man with dark brown curls. He wore a fur-lined green robe and on his head; a holly wreath set with shining icicles. He carried a large torch and wore sword in it’s scabbard. Krampus entered the locomotive, heavily, with his hooved foot, which startled the ghostly man who had never seen a creature like Krampus.
“Who goes there?” asked the ghostly man in a concerned, but friendly tone.
“I have come to investigate this train’s source of power.” Krampus responded.
“Let’s begin again. I am the Spirit of Present. Your presence is a menacing one. Might you relieve my state of caution by sharing your name and explaining your intrusion, stranger?”
“I am Krampus: Underlord of the South Pole. I come seeking knowledge of this craft which seems to have come from naught.”
“Awe, a fellow polar adventurer. You must be weary traveler. I have yet to visit your lands. As you may well have witnessed, we’ve come to deliver gifts and supplies for the winter season. This train has transported life saving cargo to aid with the cholera pandemic that plagues London. The train is named, Polar Express. Tis a steam powered locomotive that uses logs of Everyule trees to heat water into steam – into a metal chamber which expands to create enormous pressure. The pressure pushes pistons which propel the train forward.
The Polar Express didn’t come from naught. I have the ability to open gates in the present time and I expedite travel across vast distances by opening a gate(portal) from our railway precisely onto the tracks of another railway, so the train transitions smoothly.”
“Where can I find these Everyule trees and how did you come upon your ability?”
“Everyule trees grow only in the Candy Cane Forest located at the North Pole which is the only place they can grow. I am sorry to share that they are inaccessible to foreigners. As for my gate-opening ability, I am 1 of 3 survivors from a vessel that was devastated by strange, devastating seas(the Bermuda Triangle). I, alone, am bound only to present time, but can open gates anywhere that exists in the present.”
“What came of the other 2 survivors?”
“They are forever among us. We 3 represent the Spirits of Consciousness: past, present, and future.”
“What purpose do you all serve?”
“We 3 have distinct roles. I have been chosen to conduct the Polar Express due to my ability to transport instantaneously. The Spirit of Past has the ability of reminiscence. Past can open a gate to anytime when sentient life existed and another gate back to the present. The Spirit of Yet to Come can open gates to anytime of the future when sentient life exists and another gate back to the present. Yet to Come is the transcriber of fate and destiny.”
“Where can I find Yet to Come?”
“Sincerest apologies Underlord Krampus, but that is privileged information I only share with those who’ve earned my deepest trust.”
Krampus slowly approaches Present.
“You will tell me willfully now… or you will tell me at some point in time after I’ve condemned you to eternal TORMENT BEYOND YOUR COMPREHENSION!” (Krampus grabs Present by the lapel of his robe, lifts his giant body off the floor, and slams him into the bulkhead) “Either way, I’ll find out.”
Present had never been assaulted in such a way. He was a very large powerful man, but Krampus was larger and stronger. However, Present remained calm and collected. His left hand clutched Krampus’s wrist and his right hand reached for his sword. With his giant left hand, Krampus grabbed the handle of his sword first. So instead of fighting for the sword, Present waved his right hand toward the floor and closed his eyes to focus. He opened a gate from under Krampus, and another – 10 meters above the surface of the South Pole. As Krampus began to fall, he grabbed Present’s sword tightly. Krampus was way too heavy to continue lifting, so Present grabbed his scabbard by the bottom and lifted it upside down. Down fell Krampus, still holding onto Present’s sword, which became released from the scabbard. Krampus entered through the portal and out the other high above the South Pole. Krampus plummeted and hit the ground hard; dropping the sword upon impact.
Krampus immediately summoned for reinforcements. He used his chains to enter Hela’s domain: the Underworld. His reinforcements: Hroovitnir, Yuki-Onna, the Wyndigo, and Minstress Bocuck arrived as Krampus searched for a fire nearest to where the Polar Express was so that he may resume the fight, but the nearest fire substantial enough to fit through – without obstacle interferences – was a good distance away.
By the time Krampus’s crew made it back, the Polar Express was loaded for the return voyage. Present was unaware that Krampus also had the ability to traverse great distances via gates(portals), so he assumed the threat was extinguished. Sensing no urgency to notify Santa about what transpired, Present carried on his duty to ready the Polar Express for the return to the North Pole. Present opened the gate precisely on the tracks to allow the Polar Express to run through back to the North Pole, which takes significant focus.
Krampus sprinted for the train with his reinforcements close behind except for Hroovitnir, who sprinted ahead at breakneck speed. The North Pole passengers watched their approach in fear. In the commotion, Santa looked out a window on the Polar Express to witness the situation. Santa directed Frosty, Amarok, and the Yeti to assist in defensive countermeasures. Rudolph ran from his stall in the train to the outside. He launched himself on top of the Polar Express and aimed his bright red nose at the offenders, which blinded all the offenders like a flash-bang.
Santa identified Krampus as the main threat and sprinted toward him: leading the charge. Santa scooped up some permafrost from the ground and hurled it in Krampus’s face before lunging at him with a devastating punch. Knocked downward, Krampus grabbed Santa’s legs and threw him into a nearby wall. A fight ensued where the 2 exchanged numerous blows. Krampus threw his chains at Santa, which sent Santa 2 meters in the air. The Yeti engaged the Wyndigo and began wrestling on the ground. Amarok chased after Hroovitnir, who was attempting to break into a car wagon where the Elves were taking cover. They began circling and growling over each other in a stare down. Frosty hit Krampus with an icy blast, but it only slowed Krampus a little. Minstress Bocuck sent a fireblast toward Frosty who returned fire with an ice blast. The ice blast overpowered Minstress Bocuck who was immediately extinguished and frozen solid. The Wyndigo rammed the Yeti with his horns, which disoriented the Yeti. Krampus hurled a rock toward Rudolph, which subdued Rudolph’s blinding light for a moment. Santa jumped on top of Krampus from behind and grabbed his horns. He bashed Krampus into the Wyndigo and kicked them into a trench. Yuki-Onna climbed on top of a building and summoned a snow storm which blocked out Rudolph’s blinding light. Hroovitnir got the upper hand on Amarok and began gnawing at Amarok’s neck. Amarok let out a loud yelp, which horrified the Yeti. The Yeti went berserk and tackled Hroovitnir which set the Yeti’s hair on fire. He was unphased, and continued his assault, grabbing Hroovitnir’s tail and hurling him into a tree. Frosty blasted Hroovitnir with ice, which stuck him to the ground.
Present was driving the Polar Express through the portal to protect everyone aboard and Frosty shifted his strategy. Yuki-Onna’s snowstorm was a perfect medium to build a wall and there was enough distance to separate the brawlers. He created a thick ice barrier between his allies and the offensive line. Krampus’s remaining Elvils joined the fight and began hitting Frosty with broken pieces of wood. Rudolph went after Yuki-Onna and hindkicked her off of the roof. Santa grabbed the Elvils and threw them over the barrier to Krampus. While Krampus was busy breaking down Frosty’s blockade, Santa and his warriors returned to the Polar Express as it finished passing through Present’s portal. The portal closed and both Krampus and Santa learned a little of their nemesis. They would both make themselves ready for a future showdown.
Part 2
The Elvils in the caboose of the Polar Express hid inside an empty crate during the battle in London. After the Polar Express was cleared, the Elvils began lurking around the North Pole. It was a very busy place. The wolf, Amarok, was in bad shape. In fact, all the participants of the Krampus conflict were injured, so they made their way to the Spring of Youthfullness, which was also referred to as the Healing Spring, and would later be channeled to the Fountain of Youth.
The Elvils followed Santa, who was the obvious leader, and listened to him brief an Elf called, the Elfessor. The Elvils witnessed technologies they hadn’t seen anywhere else on earth. They returned to the polar express to sleep. The Spirit of Present notified Santa of his interaction with Krampus and that it was clear that Krampus was after the Spirit of Yet to Come, or his Book of Fate. Santa asked the Spirit of Past to take him to review the entire incident, which she did. From the past, Santa learned about the Elvil spies.
The spying Elvils were abruptly woken up with Santa and the Spirit of Past leaning over them. Santa grabbed all 3 and lifted them up. Sensing Santa’s power, the Elvils were immediately submissive and pleaded for mercy. Santa interrogated them and they willingly divulged everything they knew about Krampus and the South Pole. Santa asked how they were expected to return to their home. They told Santa that they were ordered to light a fire in the open, which is how Krampus opens gateways.
From that day on, no open fires were allowed at the North Pole.
Santa realized the South Pole, namely Krampus, was a major threat. He wrote a letter for Krampus explaining he wanted no quarrels, but took their security very seriously. He also notified Krampus that any attempt to alter fate would have catastrophic consequences. The Spirit of Present portaled the Elvils, with Santa’s letter, back to the South Pole.
Krampus received the letter, but was not deterred. He would have to get creative with his strategy to obtain the Book of Fate.
The conflict prompted each side to develop security forces. Krampus began modifying more creatures from the vapors of the Underworld to create more mutants. The Elfessor began developing the Nutcracker Army.

Underlord Krampus
The Antarctic was once bursting with life: both flora and fauna. In fact, dinosaurs even roamed the now frozen continent millions of years ago. By the time Krampus and the other intelligent residents of the Antarctic set up civilization, most land-based animals had perished in extinction events. All the dinosaurs, except the armored, 4-legged, strong clawed, tunneling Volcans… which I’m sure you’ve never heard of. Volcans’ entire existence remains uncovered, because the Volcan’s evolution made them superior diggers who usually died in their deep cavernous homes. Volcans survived by digging tunnels around volcanoes (of which there are at least 91 active on Antarctica nowadays) and absorbing geothermal heat to escape the cold. They were omnivores, who fed mostly on plant roots, and slow moving prey such as seals and penguins. For those reasons, the Volcans burrowed near the Antarctic coast – close to their food supply.
Krampus cherished the Volcans and they became a major part of the developmental process of the Antarctic. Volcans were mild-mannered and revered as an asset to the community. Krampus domesticated the Volcans and used their superior digging abilities to dig out dwellings for his Elvils. Elvils are the Antarctic version of Elves, and they represent the vast majority of the Antarctic’s population. Before Krampus lost his sanity, he may have been considered a great leader and a brilliant engineer. However, Krampus had to learn many lessons the hard way and suffered great losses due to harsh atmospheric conditions, active volcanoes, earthquakes, and collapsing tunnel systems which killed thousands of his people over the centuries.
Early in the 11th century, Krampus had observed an upward force occurred when water and magma were combined. The water was replaced with vapor that moved upward. There was a seemingly infinite supply of water underground. Krampus planned to construct a vertical tunnel – to heat the underground water – to transport it up to a covered hut that would collect the water vapor into a centralized supply hub for the entire community. This infrastructure would remove the enormous task of transporting fresh water to the surface. While Krampus had his Volcans tunnel deeper to the unlimited supply of magma as the primary heat source for this water evaporation system, another earthquake occurred. This was a surprise, as Krampus had reinforced the tunnel as they dug deeper, so he thought he could prevent any quakes. This earthquake wasn’t caused by natural geologic shifting however… it was a man-made quake… scratch that. This was a woman-made quake!
After the Volcans fled from the source of the quake in the tunnel, a woman emerged. Krampus feared no man. Mind you – this was no ordinary woman. She wasn’t even human. She confidently walked toward Krampus, while he stood ready for a fight. Her calm demeanor was not perceived as a threat to Krampus. They did not speak. Instead, she communicated to Krampus telepathically. They did not know each other’s language, but it didn’t matter. The message was universal. Krampus learned her name was Hela and that she alone ruled the underworld. She told Krampus that no man has ever intruded in her domain. Krampus sensed great power and wisdom within her. He offered to show her his community. She obliged and set herself on fire from within. It was far too cold for her on the surface. For the first time, explored the outer world in safety.
Hela requires extreme heat to survive and Krampus can survive in nearly any temperature. Over the years, Krampus and Hela fell in love. They built an underground empire comfortable for them both to exist. One major obstacle was sustenance for Hela. Aside from heat, Hela must consume carbon for sustenance. She typically makes stews out of dead flora, but a small 5 carat diamond can sustain her for years. Hela’s made a stockpile of diamonds over her very long life.
Hela could traverse the underworld in the blink of an eye. Her network of tunnels allowed Krampus to travel as well. Krampus took his time to learn about human cultures, agriculture, architecture, methods of travel, and technologies across the planet. Forging metals was a major discovery. He soon dispatched groups of Elvils to these places to fit in and absorb and learn everything they could. Unfortunately, the Elvils were bullied simply for looking different. Only the smiths and the philosophers treated them decently. From time to time, Krampus and the Elvils used diamonds from Hela’s stockpile to barter with humans, but it was always much easier to steal what they could. So, after learning what they could from them, especially the decent smiths and philosophers, the Elvils robbed them blind and brought it all back to their motherland: Antarctica. Of all the loot they Elvils brought back, 2 were Krampus’ obvious favorites: the telescope and the chain link. Farming was also very important, but not Krampus’ favorite.
Things were really coming together for the South Pole. They had numerous underground communities and were busy constructing forges and fabrication factories after they reverse engineered all the human tech. Chains, pulleys, and levers were instrumental in the construction process, especially with all the building materials and earth they had to move. The Volcans could easily tow heavier cargo with the chains. Water was no longer any effort to acquire. They could scout viable grounds for agriculture from afar with their telescoping lenses. Farming was booming in the summer months.
It was a prosperous era for Krampus. Krampus and Hela lived many years together. Hela birthed a daughter and a son: Helix and Skorch. The Antarctic and the South Pole flourished. Krampus, Hela, Helix, Skorch, the Elvils, and the Volcans all lived in peace and happiness… but this is no fairy tale and there is no happy ending.
One fateful year, there were multiple sleeping volcanoes that became active simultaneously, which caused multiple earthquakes and volcanic eruptions near the South Pole. The vast majority of the population were either burned alive, crushed from collapsing tunnels, or frozen. When the seismic activity began, Krampus and his family were in their deep underground home. Krampus immediately ordered his family to get to the chain that raised the water well. Krampus used the chain to climb out first so that he could pull them all out. Krampus watched his son climb up first, then Helix, and finally Hela. He pulled the chain up and out as quickly as he could… but the well collapsed. The ground under him fell through as well. Krampus was swallowed, but broke through and climbed back out. He pulled the chain, but it didn’t budge. Krampus wrapped the chains around his arms to get a better grip, but it barely moved at all. This time, Krampus wrapped all the available chain around his entire body to get as much pull as possible. Krampus pulled, and he pulled, and he pulled with all of his might. After 30 minutes, the chain snapped. He attempted to rescue his family for days, but his mind became lost after realizing they couldn’t have survived. Krampus entered a state of shock, collapsed, and became a statue of memorial… frozen in despair.
Unbeknownst to Krampus, Hela and Skorch survived as well along with their pet Volcan. Unfortunately, Helix succumbed to her injuries. While the collapse did trap them underground for a time, they used their Volcan to dig into a neighboring tunnel they believed to be close by. The Volcan stumbled onto a void and their tunnel collapsed once again. Upon the collapse, the Volcan broke its legs. Hela and Skorch put the Volcan out of its misery and ate his remains to survive. Exploring the void, they discovered an underground cenote near Mount Erebus. The cenote had large quantities of cenote filtered water and a unique species of freshwater krill, so they survived.
After 2 days, an Elvil tended to Krampus. Krampus was stiff and wrapped tightly in chains. He refused to remove them. They were the last thing he and his family all shared.
After a meal, Krampus aided the Elvil who tended to him. He used his claws to dig out survivors. He saved 2 underground communities, but only 6 Volcans survived. The rest were lost forever. Everything would be different now. How could he even think to rebuild in an area so merciless? His motivation had died. Krampus approached the South Pole. The remnant from his beginning. He punched it, kicked it, wrangled it, and finally clawed at it before the pole cracked and electrocuted Krampus for a solid minute and a half. The chains around Krampus were steaming hot and Krampus laid limp on the ground in the snow.
When he awakened, he saw a glowing blue stone. He remembered it was enchanted. It was called, FroStone. Then he remembered there was a pole to the north! A North Pole! He grabbed the FroStone and found a new purpose. He was to take over the North Pole. With the power of both poles, Krampus could do anything he wanted. He began preparing. His numbers were weak, but with the FroStone, anything was possible! He could dig out his family, bury them properly, reopen Hela’s underground tunnels, and begin his mad conquest.

The Ancient Pangaean and Ruler of the Underworld: Hela
“300 million years ago, Pangaea, also known as Earth’s single supercontinental landmass, served as a centralized feeding hub for an underground race of very slow evolving, human-like creatures known as Pangaeans.
The Pangaeans were eternal life forms who evolved to sustain themselves from decayed, formerly living organisms and underground water aquifers. All Pangaeans slumbered for stretches of hundreds of years, so their evolution was incredibly slow, especially because of their unique reproductive systems. The first pregnancy of Pangaeans always births a female. While they can birth multiple females, they only reproduce a single male child. When they birth a male, the females become infertile, which became an evolutionary construct. Because their sustenance is purely carbon-based, it takes long periods of time to replenish, so they sleep the time off. When they awaken, they dispel any excess energy in the form of heat, and rise from the carbon remnants(ashes). History has mistaken Pangaean energy outburts as the mythical Phoenix bird.
Pangaeans are incredibly powerful since they’ve had to literally move earth to survive. Living underground didn’t go without obstacles. Although they have eyes, they have become accustomed to darkness and their vision has been limited as a result. Instead of sight, Pangaeans evolved to use antennas to sense sound waves and frequencies on a much broader spectrum. Over millions of years, the antennas became hardened and took a shape that resembles horns. The hardened antenna act as a helmet, which protects their heads. Due to time, pressure, and their physical attributes, Pangaeans have diamond-like exterior. As a result, they’re nearly indestructible, but still susceptible to cave-ins, or collapsing of the earth above them.
Hela is the sole surviving member of the pangaeans. The others had been crushed and/or starved to death after a series of earthquakes caused widespread collapsing over her community. This was the beginning of the end of Pangaea: the division of landmasses now known as continents. Hela survived only because she was outside of the affected collapsed zone. Although she spent the next 2,400 years searching the Earth’s underworld for survivors, she was unsuccessful. Her journey charted a network of magma filled tunnels all over the planet, and she knew it all like the sound of her hands… The last 300 years, Hela would only wake to consume and return to her slumber to avoid loneliness and insanity. Everything changed once Krampus came tunneling into her favorite resting place. To Hela, it was destiny.
Hela never reproduced before her civilization was destroyed, so she was the sole surviving Pangaean, and ruler of the underworld by default. After Hela and Krampus fell in love, Hela birthed a daughter named Helix and a son named Skorche.
After many years together, a series of volcanic eruptions devastated her home under the South Pole, as well as the community on the surface. Since Hela’s family lived in the underworld, they were trapped. This reminded Hela of the tragedy that befell the Pangaeans. It took Krampus 2 weeks to dig out and retrieve his fallen loved ones. Krampus was overwhelmed with sorrow, guilt, and happiness when he discovered Hela and Skorche were alive. Unfortunately, Helix did not survive.
Helix had a different composition than Hela because of Krampus’s genetics. Her exterior was not able to withstand the pressure of the cave-in. Helix’s death left Hela with hate. She blamed Krampus because of his insistence of living under the South Pole. She told Krampus that Skorche would stay with her in the underworld where it was safe. Hela is undoubtedly the most powerful being of Earth, so there was no fighting back. Since Hela denied him of her love, his child’s love, and blamed him for the death of Helix, Krampus became cold and bitter. He did feel responsible for the countless deaths, including his daughter’s death, at the South Pole.
Krampus asked Hela what he could do for her and Skorche. Hela said she needed a workforce. She would continue making her tunnels as she always had, but she needed workers to assist in the effort, especially for fortification to prevent collapse. The work was hellish, so Hela wanted only depraved souls. This was how Hela finds sustenance for her and Skorche, and on the flip side, the tunnels would create commutable networks for Krampus and his Elvils to use to gather bad souls. There is no one better to collect souls than the only being on earth without one. You may send humans here, but will experience the wrath of me if you send an innocent soul here. She so proclaimed, “The chains that bind you, will bind you forever hence forth. These chains will tether you to my underworld and you will use them to bind the forsaken here as well. The only deserving souls – are of the corrupt, greedy, egocentric, or lazy… Also NAUGHTY children are ok.“
Krampus agreed of course. Anything for Hela and Skorche. Hela’s ultimate plans are unknown.

The Legend of Santa
Santa is so old, he could absolutely be considered ancient. In fact, he is the one of the longest living creatures on the planet. As such, he has helped shape civilization as we know it. Since Santa has helped develop successful economies around the globe, he has learned every language. In turn, he has been systematic in language interpretation, and translation. This assisted with trade, encouraged peace, and helped develop bridges between foreign countries.
Before you try to envision a fat, jolly, old man in a red suit shaping civilization’s developmental milestones, let me set you up with the REAL story of how Santa became the legend you thought you knew, but really know nothing about.
Although the story, Polar Beginnings, explained Santa and the Elves were engineered by ancient AI, it offered no explanation of Santa’s upbringing or his journey. The secret lies behind HOW they were engineered. The specific cause as to why Santa and the Elves have always flourished, is because of their DNA (genetic traits)… also because they have access to the Fountain of Youth.
Even more specifically, it’s their cellular behavior, their capacity to absorb information and to think critically, but most of all – their brain’s regulation of several chemical actions that control their reward systems. Seratonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and vasopressin stimulate production under these conditions:
- they use what humans perceive as empathy AND
- when they work toward discovery and developmental progress.
They were designed specifically for working toward progress, development, and improvement. Empathy is, for a lack of better comparison, like crack to Santa and the Elves. It was what gave them drive, purpose, and inspiration. They were addicted to living under those conditions.
So does Santa have parents? Or did he raise himself?
Santa and the Elves’ creator was the AI from the colonizing ship, but their “parents” were a team that consisted of 74 biosynthetic robots created to resemble humans. The colonizing ship left earth to continue it’s mission of seeding life throughout the cosmos on potentially viable host planets, and left behind the synthetics. They also left Santa a relic, which the synthetics taught him to keep with him at all times. He was told it would protect him and that it was “enchanted,” or “magical” in nature. Just appeared to be a white crystal/stone to Santa.
When Santa reached adolescence, he became lonely. Even though he had lots of Elf friends, he knew he was much different than them. He was much larger and taller than all the Elves by age 7, he slept 3x longer than the Elves, and consumed 4x more food. The Elves explained his size required more sustenance, and that he did all the heavy lifting, so his size was an advantageous trade off.
The synthetics taught Santa and the Elves a diverse curriculum that would set them on the course for success. 15 – 19 years after the colonizing ship departed Earth, every biosynthetic robot had been exhausted. Their energy supplies were depleted and both Santa and the Elves didn’t have the materials or knowledge in how to repair them. A protocol Santa thought was very silly not to implement in the curriculum. Santa buried the synthetics underground to preserve them from the elements. Thousands of years later, those very robots would be reverse engineered by the Elves to recreate them as… NutCrackers.
Santa wasn’t the only minority at the North Pole. His best friend and faithful companion, Frosty the Snowman, was as well. The only problem… Frosty can’t talk. A companion is nice, but not having someone to talk to can get lonely. Santa wasn’t always the selfless gift-giver of the North Pole, but he was the only human.
As Santa became a man, he wanted adventure. He wanted to explore. Most of all, he wanted to connect with other humans. And if the North Pole community was to grow, they would require resources across the ocean on lands occupied by humans. So Santa and the Elves established encampments all along the perimeter of the Arctic.
Santa traveled with his companion, Frosty, who laid icy foundations Santa’s sleigh could glide across while the Elves continued development at the Arctic. Santa has traveled the world many times in his long life span, and kept long records of his travels over the centuries. He’s witnessed many lives lived and lost, and tried to settle down to raise a family numerous times. Unfortunately, they didn’t possess his cellular mutation. Eventually, his families grew old and died, which was too much for Santa to bear.
Santa had been forced to fight in numerous wars, despite his attempts for peaceful compromise. He became battle weary. Shortly after the invention of the printing press, Santa retired to the North Pole. The only time Santa and the Elves would travel, was during the half of the year when it was dark at the North Pole. From the Arctic pole, they spanned out in all directions: mapping and charting paths to foreign lands.
Due to the severe cold in the North Pole and the specific dietary needs of the engineered life forms (including Santa), they require a significant supply of carbohydrates and protein to help build their strength and insulate against the cold. What has come to be known as “sugar”, and tree nuts (walnuts, almonds, and pecans) were the North Pole’s main food source. Most humans don’t know that nuts and sugarcane originated from Santa and his Elves’ engineering the plants for farming in the arctic climate. Santa genetically modified sugarcane and nuts to survive warmer climate conditions, then gifted them to humans. This is where Santa’s gift giving tradition began.
Every winter, Santa would visit different societies around the world and provide them with resources. Santa supplied coal for heat and energy, and seeds for farming, so that after the winter season was over, these civilizations could replant their crops for the Spring. In return, the citizens would pay Santa with sugar rich delicacies since the North Pole didn’t utilize any form of currency. Today, we pay Santa with thanks, milk, and cookies.
From Nunavut, numerous other North Pole guardians have been established in territories surrounding the North Pole. These other guardian colonies exist in Alaska of the USA, Greenland, Norway, and many different areas along the northernmost part of Russia. Each colony has their own “Santa,” or Santa Jr., and every Santa Jr. is a child of the original Santa. Due to Santa’s DNA, his children share the same cellular regenerative properties as their father. Santa’s virtues and principles have carried on through his descendants.
Over the years, Santa’s offerings, or gift-giving, would evolve. Coal is now considered a burden. And due to the population boom over the last thousand years, the Elves rely on automation to handle the extensive production demand. Now Santa only provides for the most vulnerable; children… but not all children. The North Pole only provides gifts for children they’ve deemed “nice”.
After the Napoleonic wars ended in 1815, Great Britain attempted many expeditions to the North Pole. This concerned Santa. He knew humanity could be violent, seeking conquest, and were battle-ready. Santa and the Elves began developing cloaking technology by using light refraction and the North Pole itself, to completely hide the North Pole and prevent their discovery. This is similar to the great film, The Black Panther, in how they hide Wakanda.
It’s dark half the year at the North Pole so they string colorful lights all over their winter wonderland, and the North Pole itself is their source of energy. Since the North Pole workforce is always working, morale must be maintained. So the area is always bright, positive, and uplifting.
Santa’s traditions and culture began with Pagan customs. He did not name Christmas, but he did adopt the holiday name after it’s rise in popularity in Europe. Christmas culture is an ever-evolving manmade construct during a developmental crossroads in a time when religion was viewed as an essential prerequisite to the first means of societal order. Santa, however, cultivated a season around what the festive occasion promoted: empathy, kindness, and giving. This was an unfathomable task given his limitations during that time, but it was critical in delivering humanity from primal savagery into civilized society.

The Introverted Heroine: Carol Claus
Carol’s story begins when she suffered from a concussion while aboard a vessel ship that docked at New York harbor in 1834. Carol’s memory evaded her. She had complete amnesia. Carol had no recollection of her life before waking up. She didn’t even remember her name, until a nurse told her. She was alone on the ship, and people only knew her by her first name. Her belongings consisted of books. She was a nurse, but her passion was mathematics. She was a brilliant mathematician, but was unappreciated because of her sex.
While searching for clues about herself and her history, she felt lost. In her journal, she wrote about traveling to a new world and she hoped for opportunity as a nurse. Opportunity did find her, but not exactly how she wanted.
Carol stumbled on a man who had a broken shoe at the dock. She immediately offered to fix the man’s shoe, which was a tremendous help to the man since the last shoe cobbler had moved out of state. The man was a clock maker who owned the only operating clock shop at that time. The owner let Carol live in the attic in exchange for work. He taught her how to build and repair clocks and watches. Carol’s mathematical/analytical mind loved the work and she was an ideal student. Apparently Carol had numerous skills that she was unaware of. After word got around that Carol could fix shoe-wear, she started earning a great income by herself. With Carol’s help, the clock maker expanded his business to shoe cobbling and made her a partner. The man unfortunately passed away soon after.
Carol had enough to buy the shop and she continued to expand. Carol was also a seamstress and a phenomenal baker. Since the shipping docs were next to her shop, she was able to strike deals for sugar and other ingredients. Her shop became a one-stop shop for all travelers and sailors. She offered clock making/repair, shoe sales and repair, sewing and tailoring services, and had a bakery/restaurant inside.
The night of December 24th, 1844 was ravaged by a blizzard. Carol heard a crash outside her shop. She saw a very large man outside with a fleet of horses in front of an open carriage. To her surprise, they weren’t horses! They were deer! Reindeer to be exact. The man knocked on her door and asked for the cobbler. Carol obliged and told the man to bring his deer into her delivery garage. She opened her garage doors and the man’s deer were able to take comfort in her shelter. Carol quickly repaired the man’s shoe. They spent the rest of the night getting to know each other.
Carol had no idea who Santa was at that time, but she quickly learned all about him after his visit. Carol and Santa didn’t see each other again for 1 year. Santa visited again on the night of December 24th. This time, he invited her to the North Pole, and she obliged. Carol immediately fell in love with the North Pole and Santa fell in love with her. She was an amazing woman unlike any he’d ever met before. Santa asked Carol if she’d like to live there. She immediately said yes. He explained that anyone who lives at the North Pole doesn’t age. Carol was very excited about that… Santa proposed to which she said yes immediately again. Carol donated her shop to her staff and returned to the North Pole. They were wed within a week and have lived happily ever since. And since that day, she has always been referred to as Mrs. Claus… an identity she has made her own.
Until now, her story and her legacy have not been told. Carol has always been an introvert. She despises the limelight. Instead of being the focus of attention, she prefers to observe from a distance. Today, Carol Claus is the head of R&D at the North Pole Institute of Technology (N.P.I.T.) and the Director of Operations at the North Pole.

Malevolent Marley
Jacob Marley was born on March 8th, 1783. His mother tragically passed away during childbirth and his father, Henry, fell into a deep depression. Henry was one of the richest men in London. He had a staff tend to Jacob while he dived deep into his investment firm, which consumed the vast majority of his time. Jacob grew up neglected with a father who deprived him of love. As an adult, Jacob Marley discovered the power of affluence, which he used to control people. All except his only friend from university, Ebenezer Scrooge. Jacob introduced Scrooge to his father, Henry, since he owned an investment firm which directly related to Scrooge’s education(Jacob’s as well). Henry bonded with Scrooge immediately and Scrooge enjoyed having a father figure for the first time in his life.
At age 24, Marley graduated the same time as Scrooge, who was 3 years his junior. Henry recruited Scrooge to join his firm at the same time as Marley, and they started from the bottom. This bothered Marley as he was the son of the owner and he was older than Scrooge. While Scrooge was thrilled about the opportunity, Jacob failed to realize nepotism was his resume. Scrooge was a smashing success. Scrooge developed a risk-assessing algorithm for determining interest rates, collateral requirements, and potential borrower qualifications. His attention to detail, researching and investigative work, and his intuition made Henry tens of thousands in profit – in just his first year at Henry’s firm. Two years later, Scrooge developed borrower rankings, which determined if the firm would continue loaning funds to borrowers based on their history of making payments appropriately and on time. One year after that, Scrooge had saved enough to venture on his own, so he started his own firm. As a sign of respect, Scrooge moved to Dartford as to avoid competing with Henry’s firm. Nevertheless, Henry resented Scrooge for it.
A few years later, Henry fell ill. Henry was experiencing dementia. He gave executive control to Jacob as word got out about his condition, and his investors didn’t renew their contracts. Instead, they began deals with Scrooge. Profits began to decline for the Marley’s. Before Jacob squandered the family fortune, Henry reluctantly propositioned Scrooge with a merger under Scrooge’s name, as long as Scrooge would partner with Jacob and take him under his wing. Scrooge liked his friend Jacob, but he knew Jacob was reckless. Nonetheless, he agreed and the 2 firms merged. Scrooge changed the name of his firm to Scrooge and Marley. Jacob was relieved, as Scrooge rescued him and his father’s legacy. The next year, Henry passed away, and Jacob inherited Henry’s estate, becoming the richest man in London.
Although Scrooge was incredibly wealthy, his fortune was wrapped up in his investments, or loaned out. As a result, Scrooge was obsessed with frugality. While Scrooge and Marley bonded over their obsession with money and profits, Marley was the one with disposable income. They had a mutual relationship, both professionally and personally. They were all each other had. Both of their families were dead. Aside from each other, they hardly spoke to anyone outside of business. Romance didn’t interest them as much as interest – interested them.
Although Scrooge was Marley’s sole executioner, administrator, assign, residuary legatee, friend, and mourner – he was unaware of Marley’s private life. Marley entered into marriage on the hush because he knew Scrooge viewed marriage as a contract that should be condemned because that level of commitment was lifelong and ripe with distractions required to promoting contentment. Bottom line: it was illogical to Scrooge. Marley wanted to ensure Scrooge believed he valued his opinions.
Jacob and his wife were estranged after only a single year of marriage, but due to Marley’s Catholic beliefs, divorce was off the table. Marley’s wife was named Carol Marley. They both came from affluence and met in London, England when Marley met with Carol’s father for business. But why would a selfish man, like Jacob, marry?
Well, it wasn’t for intimacy or love… Carol’s father, Janos, was what would today be called a virologist, and her mother, Anna, was a nurse. Janos studied infectious diseases and discovered a peasant boy child was the sole survivor of a condition that killed his entire family after eating spoiled food. The boy was deathly ill, but made a full recovery. No one had ever recovered from the boy’s degree of infection before, which made Janos hypothesize the cure was in something the boy consumed. Janos’ colleagues denied his hypothesis and laughed him out of the council. Janos needed more money to investigate, so he approached the only investment banker he knew: a 33 year old Jacob Marley.
Upon meeting Janos at Janos and Anna’s home, he discovered Carol, who was practicing calculus: a math that was known typically to male scholars. Marley was impressed by her beauty and her mathematical aptitude. He hadn’t witnessed anyone, let alone a woman, who solved complex calculus with such ease. It was all gibberish to him. To add to her allure, she seemed to thoroughly enjoy it. Marley was a well-known womanizer who rejected exclusivity and marriage. He was attracted to Carol, but she was too young. However, he recognized her usefulness. Marley thought he could keep Carol busy, tending to his business affairs, and away from prospective male proposals if he could control her leisure time.
After their meeting concluded, Marley explained to Janos that his partner, Scrooge would never invest in such a risky endeavor. He denied Janos’ request, but he made sure he put the cause, and blame, on Scrooge…
(coincidentally, Marley dies of an infection which could have been prevented if he had been medicated with antibiotics… which was what Janos was trying to research)
However, he asked to employ Carol as his personal clerk. Carol, who was only 18 at the time, accepted the opportunity to help her family’s finances. After being hired, Carol realized her clerk position was mostly centered around housekeeping, as she worked at Marley’s manor and did his bidding. This was very disappointing as she felt her potential wasn’t being utilized. Marley’s office was a small space in London, which was shared with Ebenezer Scrooge. The firm space was private and was where Marley and Scrooge judged, gossiped, and scoffed at lowly society as they counted their coin. No place for a lady…
Carol’s disappointment was cast away after discovering Henry Marley’s library. She spent the majority of her days reading and learning from it. Marley constantly had Carol run errands for him. He had a vast wardrobe which needed maintenance. Suits needed tailoring, or a seamstress. Shoes needed cobbling. Clocks needed repair. Baking and cooking goods were needed daily. Bookkeeping/accounting was a daily task. The horses and carts needed maintenance. Taking care of the estate was a full-time job on its own. Through her readings, tinkering, trial and error, Carol became a self-taught Renaissance woman. She pocketed the money Marley gave her for these errands, and did it ALL herself. This helped her family climb out of financial debt while her parents helped the sick and needy.
Marley was an ambitious and wealthy man who desired fame and fortune. Scrooge proposed investing in new technologies: specifically, steam boats, railroads, and transportation. So, Marley volunteered to explore America to investigate profitable new enterprises emerging there. To ensure his estate was taken care of, Marley proposed to Carol, which caught her by surprise.
Carol was a beautiful, compassionate soul with countless pursuers. Because of her family’s debt, she felt obligated to continue working for Marley. A marriage would surely help her resolve. The couple shared the Catholic faith and a love for math… but that was all they had in common.
After Marley and Scrooge partnered into the financing business, Carol noticed Marley’s selfishness and greed. Marley clearly didn’t respect Carol’s opinions and thought her to be young and naive. He simply wanted a woman at his side who reflected well on him and wanted her to tend to his home.
Carol wanted to raise a family, but Marley despised children. Feeling deceived, lonely, and stuck in a loveless marriage, Carol resorted to volunteer work and nursing to bide her time… but her real passion was an old, but revolutionary developing science: physics. Unfortunately for Carol, women were not taken seriously in the world of science.
While Marley built a financial empire on Scrooge’s coattails, Carol moved in with her sick parents. She argued that they were in a position to support her parents, but Marley refused. Claiming his savings were for investments – and only investments. Thankfully for Carol, her chains would be lifted due to Marley’s hedonism.
Marley had an addictive personality. Every night, he smoked a pipe, ate sweets, and drank alcohol. His hygiene was subpar, to put it lightly, and he reeked of tobacco, alcohol, and candies. Marley mostly overindulged in sweets(sugar), which caused his molars to decay. Although one might expect the tooth fairy to assist in situations like this, the Fairies only help the needy and deserving(nice people). However, the “Unfairies”(see UnFairies story) were relentlessly prowling the city of London where commerce was prominent, and sugar was an abundant commodity. The Unfairies have a very strong sense of smell and can pick up sweet smells and rotting, or decaying, scents from 3 kilometers away. They track these scents while humans are subdued in their REM cycles. The Unfairies would mine, or extract, sugar encrusted molars in the dead of night, instinctively knowing the teeth would be weaker, or easier to steal. Ironically, the Unfairies crafted their pickaxes from enamel, thus teeth were an essential material for their Minecraft…
The Unfairies took notice of Marley’s decaying mouth and his position in life. The scent of decay indicated infection. Infections were a death sentence back then. Marley was rich, powerful, greedy, and selfish. He had all the ingredients for self preservation, no matter the cost, yet his time in the living was very limited. The Unfairies reported Marley’s situation to Krampus, and Krampus also realized the opportunity Marley’s condition presented.
Marley’s molar abscess, indeed, caused an infection. In those days, antibiotics didn’t exist yet. The infection became overwhelmingly painful. Marley couldn’t eat, and even drinking was problematic. To top it off, the pain prevented Marley from getting a restful night’s sleep, so the doctor who inspected his molar abscess supplied him with opium to ease his agony. Marley, once again, overindulged with the opium.
Early in the morning on December 5th, 1836 (Krampus Nacht) Jacob Marley woke in agony on his bed. He consumed 3 day old biscuits and made himself tea with a tripled dose of opium, then went back to rest. As Marley began losing consciousness, the Unfairies resumed taking his remaining teeth. Upon finishing their extractions, the Unfairies tightly tethered a used kerchief around Marley’s head/jaw to contain the bleeding and drool coming from his mouth. Marley was none the wiser. His bed became his final resting place where he’d remain until the eve of Christmas.
Krampus dispatched his Elvils and Unfairies to search through Marley’s manor to dig up any useful information. After ransacking Marley’s estate, Krampus’s minions discovered several key findings.
- Marley’s marriage certificate to Carol, which they destroyed(since it was the only record of his marriage, Carol was no longer a beneficiary).
- Marley’s relationship with Ebenezer Scrooge.
- All of Marley’s investments, ledgers, and records, which were organized by Carol.
- Marley’s personal safe, which was emptied.
Krampus took everything of value or usefulness from Marley’s estate, which would later be theorized as a robbery. He took particular interest in the development of railway systems connecting London, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester. Krampus’s interest in the steam engine led him and his minions to investigate, which was when Krampus and Santa first met…
A short time later, Carol was notified of Jacob’s death after being interrogated at her parents home. The authorities believed she was the prime suspect, but Carol had a solid alibi working with her parents at the local hospital for the past 2 weeks where she also slept. If that wasn’t rotten enough, Carol was devastated again to learn she wasn’t entitled to anything. There was no record of her marriage and no available witnesses to corroborate her claims. Scrooge only knew Carol as Marley’s housekeeper and thought her to be a crook who staged a robbery and/or was attempting to claim Marley’s fortune. Carol’s reputation was tarnished as a result, which prompted her plan to leave London for good.

The Relic, FroStone
In the story, Polar Beginnings, we learned about a blue relic/stone. Since the relic stone is always cool to the touch, Santa named the enchanted stone, “FroStone.”The FroStone relic is comparable to a self-replicating machine (intelligent and electromechanical). FroStone is comprised of an element unknown to Earth, which the North Pole named, “Frostegen.”
Frostegen is an element unlike any other. It becomes excited in freezing temperatures, which isn’t the exciting part… the exciting part, is that it behaves. We’ll expand on that in a minute. First we need to understand what conditions activate the machine.
The relic only operates in below freezing temperatures. Temperatures above 32 degrees Fahrenheit or above 0 degrees Celsius begin to thaw the relic out. There are 2 known FroStones. One at the North Pole, and one at the South Pole. If you haven’t guessed it by now, the northern relic is Frosty the Snowman.
Now, there are 2 conditions required to energize, or activate, FroStones. First, atmospheric temperature must be freezing. Second, a fluid medium (even if only a drop) must make contact with the relic. Once those 2 conditions are met, The relic/stone immediately begins to absorb and compound. A honeycomb matrix forms around the freezing particles to retain and protect its inners. The relic then extends limbs throughout it’s structure for maneuverability, which are conductive and electromechanical. The base of the structure absorbs vast amounts of snow, water, or ice. The entire perimeter of the structure(body) absorbs atmosphere(air) throughout the honeycomb matrix, and compresses it instantaneously. This compression creates incredible heat, which must be expelled through the maneuverable limbs(arms) at the same instant. The compressed air is released with the snow, water, or ice in the limbs(arms) upon exhaust, which creates an enormous blast of ice – like a cannon. This is similar to how refrigerators, or compressed air cans work when upside down.
FroStone has a structural blueprint stored in every particle of Frostegen, exactly like how DNA is stored in organic cells. When the stone relic isn’t in operating conditions, Frosty lies dormant. Every FroStone has consciousness, which lies dormant in above freezing temperatures. When operating conditions are met, Frosty bursts into existence.

History of the Elves
The Elves are the backbone and brains of the North Pole and their success is all due to selective breeding. Unlike the warrior primitive savages that structured the survival of the fittest with human ancestors, Elves are inherently sapiophiles. As a result, Elves always treated their life partners as equals and the most intelligent Elves passed on those smarter genes. The humans with the highest IQs only compare to average Elf IQs.
Elvolution: Why and How Elves are Mutants
The Elves are a race separate from Humans. Although we share 99% of the same DNA, Elvian DNA is sensitive to environmental factors and can mutate dramatically from just two successive generations. Elves from the North Pole, from which all Elvian ancestry is derived, acquired a “receptive” gene to evolve radically due to the extreme conditions at the North Pole. Due to technological progress over the past few millennia, Elves have been able to roam and migrate all over the planet. Due to differences in atmosphere, elevation, local diets, environmental factors, and living conditions, the Elves physiology and appearances have transformed accordingly. As you can see below, there are many mutations that have occurred in Elvian ancestry.
The North Pole Elf split into 2 branches. 1 group evolved into smaller Elves: Gnomes > Tomte > Nisse > Keebler Elves > Rice Krispies Elves (Much smaller) > Smurfs (bluer, due to lack of sunlight, but similar size as Rice Krispies Elves).
The other branch evolved into larger Elves: JR Tolkien Elves > Zelda/Link Elves > D&D Elves > Dark Elves > and finally, the subjugated Elvils (who serve Underlord Krampus).

Ferth Moggins: The Elfessor
Meet Ferth Moggins. Ferth was a prodigy at nearly everything academic. Having studied with the world’s smartest people, and having an IQ of 360, Ferth is the smartest, most well educated living being on Earth. Ferth created Santa’s Helpers Institute of Technology, which was later renamed to the North Pole Institute of Technology.
In their early days, Ferth and Santa were schoolhouse rivals. Ironically, they had a lot in common. They both love art, especially drawing and sculpting. They are both loners, and they shared the same vision: to earn the highest marks in school. Their only competition, was each other. They both demonstrated their proficiencies in every subject the synthetics taught them, and they were the only 2 to ever do so. Because they weren’t given exact percentages, they couldn’t confirm who was the better student. The rivalry continued.
As Ferth entered his adulthood, the North Pole became an efficient community. Ferth thirsted for new experiences and adventures. His curiosity was consuming. Yet another commonality between Ferth and Santa. On separate occasions, both approached the synthetics requesting to explore the lands across the water. The synthetics responded to both, individually, explaining they would only allot them the essential resources for the expedition if they brought a qualified partner, which neither of them had.
12 days later, Santa heard a distinct banging. It was a familiar sound Santa knew well. Santa investigated the noise and confirmed it was that of a hammer striking the back of a chisel. Ferth was hollowing out a chunk of wood. Santa suspected he was building a sleigh, and offered Ferth a hand. Ferth explained, since the synthetics weren’t willing to share essential community assets with him, then he’d make his own. He didn’t need the synthetics help. The 2 rivals were no longer at odds. They built the sleigh together, and became best of friends as a result.
Ferth asked Santa to join him since the sleigh was half his, and because it would be easier for Santa to navigate. Santa happily obliged. With Santa’s FroStone, aka Frosty, there were 3 making the expedition. Frosty helped power the sleigh and created a seemingly never ending ice bridge across the Arctic. This permitted the sleigh to reach Nunavut, which later became a major outpost for the North Pole.
Ferth, Frosty, and Santa traveled the world and recorded everything they learned from all the different cultures they stumbled on. Ferth studied with Archimedes, Plato, Aristotle, Galileo, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Descartes, Voltaire, Newton, Marie Curie, Michael Faraday, Edison then Tesla, Hawking and even Sir Roger Penrose. Ferth recorded everything he had learned over the years. He had written so many articles, journals, and book – he could fill a library… so he did. Shortly after that, he created the North Pole’s first university called, Santa’s Helpers Institute of Technology (later renamed to North Pole Institute of Technology). This was how Ferth earned the title, Elfessor.

Elvil Origins
After the tragedy that befell Krampus and the Antarctic, the Elvils literally fought for breeding rights. Krampus’ mind had become corrupted at this point and he had no intention of ruling with compassion or reason, nor did he concern himself with the needs of his people anymore. Krampus had only one vision for the future: conquest. He wanted to weed out the weakest members of society and make room for the strong and the fierce. Only the champions were deemed worthy to breed. He believed this was the best way to build an empire that could defeat Santa. Like the Egyptians, he was wrong. This mistake would plague the evil ruler for generations to come.
The Elvils are descendants of the Elves, but due to inbreeding, they’ve evolved significantly different than the Elves at the North Pole. This was due to Krampus’ early idea of selective breeding of the fittest. After 4 successive generations of inbreeding, Krampus realized there was a systemic problem revolving around breeding one male with all of the females.
The new generations were indeed strong and fierce, but at what cost? The Elvils were mutated versions of the Elves and had very different features. They were taller and stronger, but they typically had some element of disfigurement. Most Elvils are hunchbacks. They were all deranged and had sinister behavioral traits. Empathy was stricken from the gene pool while subjugation, deception, and greed were prevalent. Elvil IQs continued to plummet compared to the Elves genius level IQs.
The Elvils function very similarly to the Elves, however the Elves operate autonomously under their own free will – while the Elvils only carry out Krampus’s orders. At the North Pole, the Elves are mostly responsible for technological advancements. At the South Pole, the Elvils simply steal existing technologies that humans create.

FrostBite the Abominable Snow-Monster
FrostBite is the creation of another legendary winter creature from Japan known as Yuki-onna. FrostBite is the embodiment of tormented souls of men who fell victim to Yuki-onna. Imbued with a shard of Krampus’ enchanted FroStone, FrostBite serves as an outlet of relief for the deprived souls imprisoned in the underworld. These tormented souls escape the hellfire in the underworld when FrostBite becomes their avatar. Fire, or heat, is FrostBite’s “kryptonite” and his most dreaded fear.

The Spirits of Christmas
The Ghosts of Christmas are not actually ghosts at all. To imply such, would require them to have been alive and then have died at some point. Spirits are a more accurate label, as they are metaphysical manifestations of consciousness that exist on different, but connected, fields of dimensions. As such, the Spirits operate within a different set of natural laws from another universe, however, the 3 Spirits are bound to our universe. They exist and move navigate our universe via conscious tachyon manipulation and quantum entanglement. Einstein encapsulated this mysterious action as, “Spooky action at a distance.” That is complicated for humans to comprehend, so we just refer to the spirits as The Ghosts of Christmas.
The Spirits each have the ability to open portals. However, they can only open those portals to specific moments of time. They are not omniscient. They only know what they have personally experienced. The Ghost of Christmas Past can only open portals to the past and a return portal to the present. The Ghost of Christmas Present can only open portals in the present. The Ghost of Christmas Future can only open portals to the future and a return portal to the present.
The Spirits chose to live at Santa’s North Pole community because they believe in his mission.

RIP Scrooge... Rise HumBug!
Do you remember the story of Scrooge and the 3 spirits of Christmas? Scrooge was a pessimist… and a pest. After his encounter with the Ghosts of Christmas, he seemed to be a reformed man. This was short lived however as old habits die hard. Scrooge’s kindness was taken advantage of over the years until his fortune was exhausted. Scrooge mistook his graciousness and charity as way of showing his value to others. The people who approached Scrooge for financial support only recognized Scrooge as a charity – not as a relationship. Without his money and assets to offer, his usefulness and value to others was bankrupt.
A few months before being buried, Scrooge was penniless and alone. He became homeless, living on the streets. He begged for food, but now everyone looked down on him like trash.
Before Scrooge’s lonely death, which Scrooge knew had to be this coming Christmas, Krampus approached Scrooge to take him to the underworld on Krampusnacht. However, Krampus discovered Scrooge was undeserving to be taken to the underworld. He actions made him pure. And purity is not allowed entry into the underworld. But like Yuki-Onna, Scrooge’s heart was suddenly full of fury and rage. Instead, Krampus used his Dark Magic to make Scrooge immortal.
His final days were of despair and loneliness, which manifested into frustration and Scrooge feeling used. Reflecting on his life, Scrooge appealed to the Ghost of Christmas (Future) Yet to Come. The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come explained that he had already revealed Scrooge’s future in the visions Scrooge witnessed. Scrooge mistakenly thought his future would change if he became a better person, but his future was set in tombstone as the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come had revealed to him.
Scrooge fell into a coma and was believed to be dead. He was found in the fetal position outside in the snow. The corpse of Scrooge was wrapped in a rucksack and placed in a feeble coffin used for the homeless dead.
At his funeral, his eulogy was performed by a stranger in a crowd of 1. The sole visitor… was a soul excavator: Krampus. Krampus cursed Scrooge with immoral immortality, yet Scrooge existed in a coma which was about to be buried… alive.
As Scrooge’s remains were consumed by bugs and pests, they would encapsulate his new form in a rucksack that would house the insects that fed upon his rotting corpse, as well as his cursed consciousness so that he may serve Krampus forever. 2 months after being buried alive, the decrepit rucksack broke from the dirt at his burial site and out rose… HumBug!

The Ghost of Christmas Future (formerly The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come)
The Ghost of Christmas Future – Ever since The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come’s revelation to Scrooge backfired, his name was changed to The Ghost of Christmas Future (aka GCF). GCF doesn’t reveal a possible future… he reveals an absolute future. However, ALL the events that lead to that future are indeterminate; meaning the events leading to that future can, and will, be affected since the viewer of the future has information they wouldn’t normally have had.
Since Scrooge didn’t know how his future would be before his visit from the GCF, then all the events from that point were different than how they would have been before he had the privilege of knowing what his future held, because he thought he could change his future – to create an alternative future – that would be much better than the version he witnessed from the GCF’s glimpse into the future. Hopefully that made sense…
This matters because if the GCF hadn’t shown Scrooge his future, Scrooge would have continued on his path before he was enlightened, and died at peace because he would have felt justified dying alone.

The Origin of the Wyndigo
In the year 1019, the legendary Viking and King of England, Cnut the Great, was determined to expand his kingdom. He wanted to find uncharted land to conquer as he and his men had become battle weary. The vast oceans gave hope to finding new land. Society wanted to move away from primitive savagery. King Cnut had not a clue as to just how much earth was uncharted, nor how far the earth stretched. King Cnut summoned his best captain to map out the new world on the flat earth…
Ruthlugar was revered as the greatest navigator in Viking history, but his legacy would be tarnished by his curse. King Cnut’s plan for expansion was a death sentence, but no one was the wiser at that time. King Cnut ordered Ruthlugar to sail west and map out the land all along the way until he came to the edge of the world… then, and only then, Ruthlugar and his crew were to return home and show the new world map.
King Cnut provided Ruthlugar with a fleet of 6 of the kingdom’s best ships with supplies to help them set up small colonies along the way. Ironically, Ruthlugar’s ship, which was the largest and most technologically advanced for that time, was named Ragnarok. The expedition was estimated to take 4-5 years, so the ships had diverse crews with a broad range of specialties.
The fleet experienced brutal storms in the Atlantic after sailing southwest of Greenland. So much so, they stumbled upon eastern Canada and had to repair 2 of the ships. The fleet then followed the coast of North America south. They established another colony in Brazil. The journey was long, perilous, and enduring. Madness swept the crew of one of the supply ships. This caused mutiny on another ship. The 2 supply ships were overthrown by the crew and they sailed away never to be seen again. Ragnarok was simply too large and slow to catch up to the fleeting mutineers.
With only 4 ships remaining, Ruthlugar decided to sail due south, hoping he’d find the edge of the world if he sailed due south. Eventually the fleet was at the mercy of heavy winds, which pushed the fleet to the south. Today, we call the land South Georgia. The fleet setup a new colony there for 2 months before heading back out. 1 crew stayed at the colony to begin farming their crops, livestock, chart the land, and discover native plant and animal life for sustenance.
The fleet spotted land and surveyed it from afar. It was an empty winter wasteland. The only place to dock was along the Antarctic peninsula. Their compasses were no longer working properly, so they determined they had finally reached the edge of the world. Ruthlugar wanted to see what lied beyond the edge, so they made the voyage on foot.
After only a day’s hike, Ruthlugar’s men were caught in an unrelenting blizzard. It was summer 1021 in the Antarctic, and the skies were crystal clear the day before. This weather was strange. The Vikings were no strangers to the cold, but they’d never been exposed to such freezing cold temperatures and wind. The crew set up a very close knit camp and we’re forced to utilize body heat to endure the night. Only half of Ruthlugar’s camp awakened. Every man who slept on the outside of the sleep circle had frozen to death.
Ruthlugar ordered a retreat back to the ships, but they argued about which direction to take. The land was very different. Their markers they posted to find their way back were buried in snow and the ocean was out of sight. They fanned out in all directions in attempt to find the path back to their ships to no avail. The storm was just too strong to see more than a few meters in front of them. This continued for 3 more days until the crew was down to 23 survivors. Even worse, their rations were frozen and they had only a few days of material to burn.
That night, for the first time since they docked their ships, Ruthlugar saw the stars. He knew which way was north, so he immediately ordered the men forward. 10 minutes after leaving the campsite, death curdling screams rang out. Even malnourished, tired, starving, and frost bitten – the Vikings were alert for a fight. Their bodies could not perform however. 1 by 1, the crew was slaughtered by a large monster in red garb.
With only 7 starving men remaining, the crew was forced to take drastic measures. The only edible food source, was each other. The crew feasted on one of their own. They tried to preserve the flesh for the following days, but it too had frozen. Every time they set up camp, they expended precious calories they could not spare. On the 6th day on the Antarctic, Ruthlugar consumed the remains of his last crew member before going completely mad. The next morning, Ruthlugar exited his shelter covered in blood.
It was clear. Sunny sky. Not a cloud in sight. Ruthlugar could see his ships, which gave him no solace. He couldn’t sail a ship alone. It didn’t matter anyway. Ruthlugar’s mind was lost. He was filled with hate… and in plain sight was the being he planned to release his hate upon. The creature the slaughtered his men. No doubt, he was to blame for everything: the weather, the loss of his men, and his suffering. The figure was 7, 8, or 9 ft tall. Horns on its head. His cloak stained in blood. It wore anchor chains, which his crew mates used for tethering, around its massive body. With nothing left except a dagger and his will to exact revenge, Ruthlugar charged the beast.
The beast swatted the mighty Ruthlugar to the icy ground, picked him up, and forced Ruthlugar to consume a mysterious blue glowing orb while he chanted aloud. Ruthlugar choked to death on the orb only to awaken that night… as the magical “Ice Monster” later referred to as, the Wyndigo.

The First Witch: Minstress Bocuk
Minstress Bocuk was a settler of the first colony in South Georgia – an island just north of Antarctica. After the original Wyndigo (Ruthlugar the Ruthless), as it would later come to be named, was created by Krampus, it swam back to the nearest inhabited island, South Georgia, to feast upon the inhabitants. Exhausted by the swim, the “Ice Monster” (Wyndigo) faced off against the colonists, but was ultimately defeated. Of the 18 settlers, only 9 survived the attack and 2 men were severely injured. One of the injured men was Mateo Bocuk. The other was Noa Wyndigo: an ancestor to Evan Wyndigo and reason the “Ice Monster” was named Wyndigo.
Due to the shortage of food, the colonists were to feast on the Wyndigo’s meat. The chef, was a newly pregnant woman named Zivka Bocuk, who was very recently married to Mateo Bocuk. As Zivka butchered the Wyndigo, she discovered a cold, glowing blue stone (a shard, or broken piece of Krampus’ FroStone) attached to the heart of the Wyndigo. Believing it to be magical, she pocketed the stone in secret. As Zivka cooked the Wyndigo’s meat, she taste-tested her work. Almost immediately after however, the cursed flesh of the Wyndigo began affecting her. Her cells (DNA) were imbued with the dark magic of Krampus, which prevented her cells from dying and rendered her immortal. The blue stone was parasitic. The parasitic effect altars the host’s mind, making them mad, calculating, and insatiable for protein(raw meat). As Zivka’s madness consumed her, she fed the Wyndigo’s raw flesh to her husband, Mateo, and then Noa Wyndigo. Mateo was strong enough to try to stop her, but Zivka strangled Mateo to death. The surviving colonists imprisoned her in a crate. They then buried Mateo on the island and tried to care for Noa, who seemed to become violently ill after consuming the flesh of the Ice Monster (later referred to as the Wyndigo). That same night, a borealis effect encompassed the night sky. The colonists determined the island was now cursed and fled on the only ship – back to the kingdom.
During their return voyage, the ship made 2 pit stops at their established colonies in Brazil and then again in the easternmost part of Canada. After Brazil and before voyaging to Canada, Zivka became increasingly more powerful. The crew believed Zivka was cursed because the borealis effect left the island with them. The effect followed the ship.
(This effect was by design so that Krampus could track the location of his FroStone. Krampus had programmed, or enchanted, his FroStone with a type of homing beacon. The sky would reveal the FroStone’s location to Krampus, but only if Krampus could see that part of the sky. This was so that Krampus could trace the location of his original creation: the original Wyndigo)
Zivka reeked of death and her features had become so transformative, she was unrecognizable. Her only resembling feature was her pronounced belly due to her pregnancy. Her pregnant state was the only reason they hadn’t thrown her overboard. As the crew met to discuss their fear of Zivka, and whether they should abandon her or not, the ship’s captain spotted one of the mutinying ships in the middle of the Atlantic: due west of Portugal. The crew pulled up next to the other ship to search for survivors and supplies.
The mutinying ship had 5 men aboard. The lasting survivors were starving and malnourished and on the brink of insanity. The crew voted to take their supplies and abandon the survivors due to their mutiny. They would have been hanged upon their return anyway. The crew also forced them to take Zivka, along with her “curse.”
The ship made their way back home with the survivor, Noa Wyndigo, who was met with great honor and fortune for being recognized as the man who killed the “Ice Monster” and saved the others. Noa’s legacy earned him nobility and privilege. The “Ice Monster” came to be known as “The Wyndigo” over the ages. Like Zivka, Noa was immortal after consuming the flesh of the original Wyndigo (Noa would later become the Yeti). The rest of the crew shared their story/experiences and chartered maps with their king, Cnut the Great.
After the ship abandoned the mutineers, the crew of the mutinying ship all became slaves to Zivka. Zivka, now 8 months pregnant, required sustenance. As Zivka’s power grew, she learned to control the wind. Zivka the captain became known as Minstress Bocuk. She sailed east toward Portugal where she gave birth to 4 sons, Kallikantzaros, Karakoncolos, Koncolos, and Congolos. Her curse left her unable to produce milk for her sons. Desperate, Zivka pillaged farms of their livestock, goat’s milk, and cow’s milk to feed her baby sons. Her sons’ appearances were disfigured like hers. Their faces were pronounced with exaggerated features. They also had horns growing at the top of their foreheads.
Upon docking at each new area, Zivka was met with fierce opposition as the local militias outnumbered her crew. Minstress Bocuk sailed along the Balkan coasts pillaging local farms and enslaving the locals to make them her deckhands. Some time in 1021, Minstress Bocuk and her crew settled in Turkey after slaughtering a local village. Minstress Bocuk decided to practice and hone her dark magic which seemed to have limitless potential. In the coldest temperatures, her power is amplified. She still wears the shard of FroStone around her neck, which grants her access to the underworld.
Bocuk met Krampus in the underworld. Krampus, the strongest dominant force of the underworld, sensed Bocuk’s power and made her his herald. Bocuk and her sons carry out the orders of Krampus even still to this day.

The Yearning Yeti
The Yeti is an immortal man named Noa Wyndigo (see Bocuk story). At age 76, Noa Wyndigo’s mind succumbed to dementia. His body hunched over and Noa’s body developed fur-like hair as he aged. His age also made his hair white, and he shed profusely in the heat. Noa frequently complained about the temperature being too hot. Since dementia wasn’t well understood at that time, Noa was viewed as a burden and an annoyance. He was outcast since he was still able bodied. His son moved him far north where no one would recognize him or bother him. His son inherited his estate and Noa continued migrating North. Noa became a vagabond who sought cold climates.
The Yeti would wander aimlessly until coming across Amarok, an orphaned baby wolf from the Highlands.
Santa and the Ghost of Christmas Present(aka Nick) first attempted to save the Yeti and Amarok to no avail. Amarok and the Yeti didn’t understand Santa’s intent, which was to save them from inevitable conflict with humans. The Yeti initially perceived Santa as a threat and went to apprehend Santa. Although the Yeti is incredibly powerful, so was Santa. Santa locked the Yeti’s arms behind him and tried to talk him down, but didn’t yet know the Yeti’s mind had succumbed to dimentia. Amarok lunged toward Santa to protect his guardian, but the Ghost of Christmas Present portaled Santa out of the way in the nick of time(hence why his name is Nick), and Amarok’s claws caught the Arctic flag instead, which sent it, tattered, to the ground.
To prevent an attack, Nick(The Ghost of Christmas Present) strategically placed a portal under Amarok and the Yeti’s feet, which teleported them to a sanctuary at the North Pole. After Santa and the Elves demonstrated they were friendly, the Yeti and Amarok became apart of the North Pole family. The Yeti’s mind returned soon after consuming the waters from the North Pole’s Fountain of Youth.

Highland wolves were aggressively hunted by humans because the wolves were the most dominant predators in the region and they often hunted the livestock. Locals considered these great wolves as pests. Their pelts were extremely valuable and were highly sought after. As a result, the highland wolves were hunted to near extinction. Amarok was the runt of a litter of wolves from the Scotland Highlands in the 1700s. One tragic day, Amarok’s family was discovered by wandering Highlander’s looking for land to settle on. The highlanders aimed to catch the pups, but were attacked by the pups’ parents. In retaliation, a group of locals joined up to hunt the family. They killed the pack and captured the pups to breed them for their skins. Amarok, who was too little to keep up with the pack, was undiscovered… but he was now alone: hopeless and defenseless. He spent 2 days desperately looking for his family before finding his slain pack.
The Yeti, who frequented the Highlands while avoiding human contact, stumbled upon the slain wolf pack. Saddened and angered by the sight, the Yeti began digging graves for the poor wolves. As he laid the wolves into the graves, he spotted poor Amarok shaking under a large stone. He was starving and freezing and on the brink of death. The Yeti immediately grabbed the pup, held him against his chest to warm and console him, and forced the pup to eat and drink. The Yeti heard the voices of men, so he left the Highlands with the pup, back to the North Pole where the Elves could help him save the pup.
The pup recovered quickly at the North Pole and had a new family that raised him well. They named him Amarok and he grew to become incredibly powerful. Amarok had an enormous impact on the North Pole. Santa, Ms. Claus, the Elves and the Yeti were inspired to save endangered animals of the north, where they could thrive at a refuge at the North Pole. Amarok imprinted on the Yeti, and they have been inseparable since the day the Yeti rescued Amarok. As a mysterious result, the Yeti’s mind returned to him, and his dementia was no more.
Amarok and the Yeti preserve the refuge and protect creatures of the north from hunters. Today, the refuge supports numerous animals, including: Highland Wolves (of course), Polar Bears, Caribou, Snowy Owls, Arctic Hares, Arctic Foxes, Walruses, Musk Oxen, Narwhals, Beluga Whales, and a variety of different species of birds which are just some of the many animals which live in, or around, the Arctic.

The Cursed Yuki-onna
Yuki-Onna was born early in the 14th century near Kyoto, Japan. Her father, Haru Hayashi, was formerly a legendary assassin of the Iga clan. He was so revered as a master of guerrilla warfare, that he was designated to train future ninjas. Eventually, Haru wanted sons to raise. He wed the most beautiful woman of the land and started his family. To Haru’s disappointment, his first child was a girl. A year later, his wife birthed another girl… this happened 7 times in a 9 year span. After his 7th girl, Haru became a changed man. His oldest, Yuki-Onna, was now 9 years old. She softened Haru’s once cold heart. This prompted Haru to change his mind, and his purpose. Haru retired with his family to live off the woods to escape warring clans and to live a life of peace with his family.
12 years later, Haru was approached by a man named Aoi, of the Koga clan, who wanted to acquire Haru’s forest, which was rich with lumber resources. Haru met the man in his home where he politely refused Aoi’s request. Aoi noticed a decorated wall that housed Haru’s blades. One blade in particular, was a legendary ninjatō that Aoi knew belonged to Iga clan masters. Aoi relayed the information to the Koga clan masters who aimed to kill the Iga clan’s most famous assassin.
At 11pm on December 4th, the Koga clan attacked Haru’s house. Haru, now 50 years old, valiantly defended his home and his family. He directed his daughters to flee from the back, but the house was surrounded. The ninjas of the Koga clan killed Haru after suffering 7 casualties. Haru’s wife and daughters tried to fight the remainder of the Koga ninjas to no avail. All but Yuki-Onna survived. Yuki-Onna’s beauty prevented the Koga from taking her life as well. Instead, she was to become a slave of the Koga clan.
During the Koga clan’s return journey on the night of December 5th, which is Krampusnacht (Krampus Night), a snow storm forced the clan to take shelter. The men couldn’t see more than 1 meter in front of their eyes. They ventured into a dense nearby forest where they had some cover from the trees. The storm winds became overwhelmingly loud. Yuki-Onna was overcome by her trauma – in a state of shock. She felt helpless.
Suddenly, screams rang out all around Yuki-Onna. A Koga corpse landed in front of her. Then another. And another. And another – until one man remained. Confused, the man charged toward Yuki-Onna believing her to be the killer. As the man got within 2 meters of Yuki-Onna, a chain was thrown around his neck, and he was grabbed so violently, his body was lifted and pulled violently backward toward a monstrous figure in a red cloak… Krampus was collecting souls for the underworld.
Sensing the trauma of Yuki-Onna, Krampus analyzed her closely. She was wearing only a kimono and was freezing to death. He knew she did not fear him. She feared nothing. She was full of hate and despair, yet she was fragile and helpless. Krampus saw opportunity. Yuki-onna’s beauty was unrivaled. Her beauty alone, could persuade men to pursue her – no matter the consequence. This included following her right into the depths of hell.
But Krampus had a conflicting condition. Krampus could not take her with him to the underworld because she was undeserving. She had been pure her entire life and had not yet committed evil. She would surely die any moment. Krampus could not utilize her attributes if that happend. She was innocent, yet Krampus sensed she was vulnerable. On the brink of death, he cursed her with immortality and confined her to the forest to lure men. Once they pursued her, she’d lead them to an icy grave and permit them entry to the underworld.
Over the centuries, Yuki-Onna was responsible for delivering thousands of people to the underworld. However, her forest refuge became increasingly smaller due to deforestation. One day, a young attractive lumberjack was rescuing a baby fox after it was injured from a falling tree. He ventured deeper into the woods, seeking a suitable place away from danger. After dropping off the fox, he sensed howling winds and a sudden blizzard. Now seeking refuge, he stumbled upon a cave.
Inside was Yuki-Onna, who was surprised by the young man and even more surprised by his looks. They spent the night together and were immediately in love. Before sending him on his way, she made the young lumberjack promise never to tell anyone about her or her home. The young man agreed.
The young lumberjack couldn’t stop thinking about Yuki-Onna. She filled his every thought. He returned several days later to find his love, and warn her about the deforestation that would soon be at her doorstep. He could never find her cave. It was as if it had vanished. He protested with his employer to put a stop to the deforestation and was fired as a result.
Yuki-onna didn’t vanish on her own volition. She was taken by Krampus, who has the ability to perceive hate, and sensed Yuki-Onna’s had diminished. Yuki-Onna pleaded with Krampus and explained her forest refuge was being destroyed by humans. Krampus knew that was true, but didn’t believe that was what diminished her hatred for man. He could not hurt her, for he needed her beauty to remain. After all, she delivered more souls to the underworld than all other heralds combined.
Krampus used his dark magic chains to create a necklace for Yuki-Onna’s neck. In the middle, was the legendary relic, FroStone, which monitored her every move. However, unlike Frosty the Snowman’s version of FroStone, this FroStone was embedded with an evil consciousness. This consciousness goes by the name, FrostBite. FrostBite emerges from the FroStone whenever he senses potential victims. He was to keep an eye on Yuki-Onna and scare off logging industries. Krampus ordered Yuki-Onna to a larger forest, next to Mount Fuji, named Aokigahara. This time, they would use fear to deter deforestation.
A year later, as her previous forest was depleted, the young lumberjack became inconsolable. He believed his true love was gone forever and he failed to recover. Rumors spread through villages that there was a monster, and yurei (ghosts), killing people at Aokigahara Forest. The young lumberjack was thrilled! Could it be Yuki-Onna? It didn’t matter. He would find her, or he would die. He felt he had nothing to lose. He took his axe and went searching for the yurei.
The next day, the sky was clear. He hiked the forest all day and set camp in the night. Around midnight, the winds howled and a blizzard ensued. The same as when he stumbled on Yuki-Onna! The lumberjack left his camp and pursued the blizzard. He could barely see, but he saw her figure. He ran to her only to be impaled through his left shoulder by a tree branch. He screamed, YUKI-ONNA! The blizzard died down immediatly, and the lumberjack came face to face with FrostBite! FrostBite sprinted at him while his mouth opened and expanded to a size that could swallow the lumberjack whole. A second before being swallowed, he swung his axe in a spiraling maneuver, and FrostBite tackled him… but his head rolled aimlessly down the hill.
The lumberjack fled the forest bleeding heavily and fell unconscious at the forest’s entrance. He awoke to a woman who resembled Yuki-Onna. Again, it was love at first sight. They married the next year and she birthed a daughter. She birthed 6 more after that in the following years.
The man was now a father and his eldest daughter, who was now 9, asked him how he met her mother. He told his daughter about how her mother reminded him of Yuki-Onna and he told his daughter Yuki-Onna’s story. Yuki-Onna appeared that night, and revealed she was his wife. She told him she had to kill him, as he broke his promise and risked alerting Krampus. Ultimately, she forgave him. The curse was hers and Krampus would only come after her. She retreated back to the woods, never to be seen by her family again.
But Yuki-Onna is immortal. She is forever bound to Krampus’s curse. However, her soul is no longer tormented, so he cannot sense her. She has since migrated from Japan and claims the souls of men who venture too closely to her home in the forests she occupies. She also claims the souls of men who hurt or hunt animals during the winter months.

The "Where" Wolf, Hróðvitnir the Hunter
Hróðvitnir’s story began similar to Amarok’s. His family was slain and he was left alone in the Norwegian Highlands. Unlike Amarok, Hróðvitnir was not found by the Yeti. Instead, he was discovered by the Elvils who trapped and caged the feral pup, and delivered him to Krampus. Krampus imbued the pup with the same dark magic he used to create the original wer-wolf, aka werewolf. Instead of turning men into hellhounds, Krampus enslaved Hróðvitnir’s mind and turned him into a seeker of all things… a hunter. Hróðvitnir stands at 6 Ft tall, 9 ft long, and weighs 1,050 pounds of bitter, furious, wrath. Hróðvitnir is a REAL bloodhound.
In recent times Hróðvitnir was dispatched by Krampus himself to hunt Yuki-Onna because she had not brought Krampus any souls in the past year. This was highly unusual. Usually Yuki-Onna sends hundreds of souls to the underworld, which appeases Krampus’s demands of souls. Since she’s missing, Hróðvitnir can track her down and determine if he must save her or send her to the underworld.

Dawn of the GingerDEAD
Gingerbread cookies were the staple of Carol Claus’ bakery before she met Santa. Locals used to say they were made with magic. At the North Pole, they are! To keep her ingredients a secret, she masked the ingredients with vague labels, including: SUGAR, SPICE, and EVERYTHING NICE.
After the Elvils wreaked havoc in the Gingerbread Factory, the ingredients were replaced… The GingerBreadDEAD Men aren’t made of sugar, spice, and everything nice… just the opposite. They’re made of salt, Old Spice, and farts… and everything naughty. A recipe for disaster! The Elvils concoction has created sentient, evil GingerDEAD crookies.

Rise of the NutCracker Army
Technologically speaking, the North Pole (specifically the Elven professor, known as the Elfessor), is the most technologically advanced society on Earth. The Elfessor created the North Pole’s first mechanical Nutcracker in the 17th century after Santa returned from Germany with one. The Elves made countless versions of their own rendition of nutcracker.
After Michael Faraday’s discovery of the electric motor, the Elfessor at that time, engineered the world’s first functioning robot. Of course, this robot was called the Nutcracker. Why? Because the robot’s only function was to break open nuts. Nuts were one of the North Pole’s main sources of sustenance. With the invention of the automated nutcracker, the Elves were able to ease a major burden in the labor of cracking open shells that housed various nuts. This was the dawn of the automated assembly line.
In the 19th century, the term “robot” hadn’t existed yet. The Elves just referred to robots as nutcrackers. Mrs. Claus had a deep understanding of engineering due to her background in watch making and her hobby of mechanical engineering. She became obsessed with the application of the nutcrackers, motors, and batteries. She asked the Elves to help her create other nutcracker versions using multiple motors and actuators. As a result, the Elves began their journey of making incredibly powerful, long-lasting batteries.
This transformed Santa’s Workshop and would be the beginning of automation and robotics. The Elves made a version 2.0 which was bulky and inefficient. One of the young Elves sketched a mask for the NutCrackers to wear to strike fear in an unwelcome invader’s heart to deter them from wrongdoing. The Elfessor and Carol liked it so much, they implemented it in the NutCracker soldier’s design. Several versions later, they used the Nutcrackers to help defend the North Pole against Krampus’s first invasion attempt.
That invasion attempt ignited Santa, Mrs. Claus, and the Elves’ ambition to create a NutCracker Army and the world’s first AI. The Elves had become computer experts in the 1990’s and worked with developers over the next few decades. In 2015, the Elves created the first Nutcracker AI. The latest version is called NutCracker V13. V13 currently has the worlds most sophisticated AI. They are fierce warriors that practice many different warrior cultures around the Earth. V13 employs a tactic called, “battle cry,” which is a chant that strikes fear in the Elvils, and can be heard before every exercise or battle the V13s partake in.

Rudolph and the Reindeer
Among their countless expeditions, Nunavut, Canada was where Santa and the Elves stumbled on the reindeer. One species of reindeer in particular intrigued Santa and the Elves. The males attracted their mates with a radiating amber colored nose that served as a beacon to potential female mates during blizzard-like conditions when visibility was very low. The male reindeer with glowing noses helped keep reindeer herds together.
Santa always noticed one reindeer out of the lot. He realized the special reindeer was incredibly powerful. It was the largest of the herd and would stare at Santa and the Elves: observing them. This particular reindeer stood and stared so long that Santa would often draw him on paper. It seemed to be very intelligent and friendly, as it guided Santa and the Elves to food and shelter during a severe blizzard that could have been deadly. Santa and the Elves named the friendly reindeer, Dolph, as it was a grunt the reindeer frequently made when he was within ears distance. Santa and Dolph developed an intense bond and Santa would stay nearby Dolph’s herd for weeks longer than he was supposed to.
Over the years, Santa and the Elves noticed dwindling numbers of glowing-nosed males. Tragedy led them as to why. Every year Santa met Dolph at the same spot in Nunavut, except one year Dolph was nowhere to be found. The Elves heard Dolph’s iconic grunt, but it was more like a faint cry. Santa rushed to the scene to discover Dolph had been mortally injured from a bear. Male reindeer lose their antlers in the winter, which makes them vulnerable and reindeer males with glowing noses stood out to predators. Bears don’t typically attack adult reindeer because they’re still incredibly fast and powerful enough to defend themselves. But Dolph was a senior. He wasn’t the same spry reindeer Santa first met.
Although Dolph defeated the bear, he was taking his last breaths. Next to Dolph, was a very young reindeer. No doubt it was his son, and Dolph gave his life to protect him. Santa and the Elves comforted Dolph in his final moments and said their final goodbyes.
The herd was nowhere to be found. Stricken with grief, Santa decided to rescue the orphan. He and the Elves built an encampment with stables in Nunavut to protect the young buck from predators while they nursed him. Groups of Elves would rotate over the years to oversee operations at the encampment and raise Dolph’s kin. As the youngling grew up, he flourished with Santa’s help. He became strong and boisterous. His mischievous antics got him into trouble many times. He would enter the Elves sleeping quarters in the middle of the night, and fill the room with blinding light. He wanted to play! The Elves voted to name him “Rude Dolph.” A name Santa didn’t take to at first, but noticed that the youngling responded every time he heard the name. Rudolph became his official name.
As time went on, more and more orphan reindeer were raised at the encampment as their predators increased in numbers. The reindeer became instrumental in helping the Elves load cargo materials to be shipped back to the North Pole communities. One fateful year as Rudolph entered his adolescence, the Elves discovered he had snuck aboard one of the cargo ships when they were unloading at the Arctic docks. The Elves guided Rudolph to the North Pole to see what Santa wanted to do. As Rudolph came closer to the pole, his nose became increasingly more luminous. It was as if the North Pole had an energizing effect on Rudolph. One of the Elves covered Rudolph’s nose, as it was blinding everyone and causing concern. Santa met up with the concerned Elves as they thought it could be harmful for Rudolph if he came any closer. Once Rudolph saw Santa, he became overly excited to see his old friend again. Rudolph sprinted toward his savior, Santa. To everyone’s surprise, including Rudolph, he took flight! This was impossible! Santa and the Elves were wrought with confusion. This prompted an exciting scientific investigation and inspired Santa and the Elves to relocate the reindeer orphans to the North Pole where they could thrive.
Santa utilized the power of reindeer to help transport resources and cultivate the land. In return, Santa built stables to house and feed the reindeer while they experimented, safely, on the magical effect the North Pole had on the reindeer.
What was the effect? The answer is in the very bones and hooves of the reindeer. The North Pole excites and charges reindeer hooves and bones. They’re able to vastly multiply their speed and even walk on air. This discovery paved the way for the sciences at the North Pole and launched a technological revolution in biology, energy technologies, physics, and engineering. To this day, it is still unexplainable, which is why it is considered “magic”… at least for now anyway.
The reindeer’s very DNA was altered by the North Pole which had an effect on their cells. North Pole reindeer cells are remarkably similar to Turritopsis Dohrnii, aka the immortal jellyfish. Every spring, the North Pole reindeer cells regenerate themselves completely, which makes North Pole reindeer immortal.
Over the years, the North Pole reindeer have thrived and mastered the art of flight… even though they were still technically running on ionized particles excited from the movement of their legs. Santa’s cargo sleigh was repurposed as a reindeer powered carriage used to deliver presents. Many people are unaware that the reindeer are all actually female… even though they have traditionally male names. The reindeer didn’t seem to notice the delegation of gender based labels. Anyway, Rudolph is the only male and the only one who sheds his antlers. Since his nose can illuminate the night sky, no matter the weather, he guides Santa just as his father once did. Rudolph is revered as the heart of the North Pole.

Pixel: the world’s first Fairy and origin of the Fairy Tale
The Fairies are tiny creatures who originated in the South Pole. All Fairies are descendant cousins of the Elves. That’s right. Fairies are mutated Elves whose evolution began around 34,000 years ago due to a mutation from one male Elf – who’s mother consumed a particle from a FroStone mineral deposit. The mutated male was born very prematurely with 2 extra arms, which were attached to his spine. He also had antennae and a tail. The arms were fused to the back by a flap of epidermal layers which resembled wings. The antennae could sense vibration, which provided Pixel with biological radar. His high frequency voice allowed him to bounce sound waves off of objects for his antennae to pick up on. The tail was large and was glowing bluish-green.
During those times, mutated Elves were considered abominations, so they were typically abandoned by the mother. Elves usually produce numerous offspring, however due to the premature delivery, all of the other children passed away. Despite the baby’s mutation, his mother, Epifenie, loved him. She believed he possessed magic. Epifenie was unwilling to give up her only surviving child, so she raised him in secret and named him Pixel. Although Elves are already very small, Pixel was tiny. Due to his size and his mutations, he was always cold. Epifenie raised Pixel near an active volcano, where he could stay warm. As Pixel aged, he remained tiny, except his wings grew very quickly. Before he could walk, he used the heat of the volcano to fly, or flutter over the lava. As he grew up, Pixel would explore on his own. His appetite was sustained by eating small flying bugs and berries his mother picked. When Pixel turned 4, he became lonely, and asked about the other Elves he could hear celebrating father’s away. Epifenie scorned Pixel: warning him to stay away from the Elves because they didn’t understand him. Pixel’s curiosity, combined with his loneliness, was overbearing though. So whenever Epifenie would leave to gather resources, Pixel would spy on the Elven community’s children away from his volcano home.
Over the next several years, Pixel was allowed to explore other areas near the home. Unbeknownst to Epifenie, Pixel was always spying on the daily activities of the Elves. He learned that they were always working. Building, farming, and playing were very fun to watch. When he was 7, Pixel developed a fondness for a particular Elf girl named, Cella, who would tell her younger sibling, Rae, stories at bedtime. One night, Rae cried at bedtime because of a painful loose tooth, which kept Cella up at night. Although the tooth was ready to come out, Rae refused to let anyone pull it. Once Cella got Rae to sleep, he noticed Rae’s mouth was open and the loose tooth was accessible. Pixel decided to pull it out for her while she slept peacefully. The mission turned out to be very difficult as Pixel lacked the strength to pull the tooth out. To make it worse, Rae would swat at Pixel in her sleep whenever Pixel began to pull on the tooth. Pixel, however, was determined to help young Rae and Cella. After the 12th attempt to extract the tooth, Pixel was successful! His triumph was short lived though, as Rae woke up screaming! Cella saw Pixel hovering over Rae with Rae’s tooth in his hands! Cella jumped out of bed and hurried toward Rae. To Pixel’s surprise, Cella swatted at him! She hit his tail as Pixel fled with the tooth. Pixel flew away, crying and disoriented, back to his mother. During his flight, Pixel became exhausted. The tooth was heavy for him. He was low on energy and instinctively knew he had to use the heat rising from the magma to help him glide in the air. Pixel stumbled over the magma and hovered dangerously close to it, but the warmth felt… good. Pixel dropped the tooth near the magma. He flew back to pick it up. It was at that time Pixel had a revelation. As he picked up the tooth, he brushed up against the hot magma and had discovered he was impervious to it. Pixel put the tooth in the spring to clean it off. He was going to return it the next day and decided he would attempt to apologize to Rae and Cella. The next day did not go as expected though…
Epifenie frequented the Elve’s communal farms, which was where their supply of food was abundant. Since Epifenie didn’t assist with the Elven community’s economy, the other Elves always sneered at her. Epifenie was already an outcast. Once the other elves learned of Epifenie’s son, Pixel, they held a meeting and ventured to Epifenie and Pixel’s home, on the outskirts of their town, to summon Epifenie. Pixel listened from his hiding spot near the home’s entrance. Pixel followed his mother along with her escorts back to the Elven community. He brought Rae’s tooth along with him to return to Rae. After the Elves argued their reasoning, they banished Epifenie from their community. Epifenie begged for mercy, but her plea fell on def ears. Epifenie feared she would no longer be able to support Pixel, let alone herself. Pixel overheard the proceedings and was heartbroken. His devastation was caused by his mother’s sentence. Pixel brought the tooth to Rae and Cella’s home and cried at their windowsill. Cella overheard the tiny cries and was astonished to see Pixel crying over the tooth with his head down. Cella realized Pixel wasn’t some vicious insect. She saw his Elvish ears and beautiful wings and glowing blue-green tail. She thought he was magical and magnificent. His cry made her heart heavy. Cella decided to calmly tap on the window to let her presence known. Pixel was startled and looked toward her on the other side of the glass only to see her waving with a heartwarming smile. Pixel raised the tooth and presented it to Cella, who cranked open the window. Cella was shocked to hear Pixel offer her and Rae an apology in his tiny, sad voice. Pixel explained his intentions and Cella hugged him close. She dried his eyes with the softest touch from her fingertip and offered her thanks. She cautiously introduced Pixel to Rae, who immediately felt love for Pixel. Rae gifted the tooth to him and thanked him. They talked for 30 minutes before Cella and Rae’s parents returned home from the community meeting. Pixel rushed home to get there before his mother.
Epifenie admonished Pixel and expressed her fears and desperate position. Epifenie no longer had resources to feed them and they only had a few days left of sustenance. It was a sad night for them both, but Pixel was determined to fix the situation. The next day, Pixel flew to the farm’s seed stockpile and grabbed 3 seeds, which were all he could carry. He flew home attempted to plant the seeds by the spring only they used, which was next to the volcano. This proved to be an enormous task, as digging wasn’t easy for a Fairy, and he had never done this before. The only object strong enough to dig, was the tooth that was gifted to Pixel. Pixel collected pieces of his mother’s hair around the house. He tied the hair around a thick twig and the tooth and made a digging device similar to what the Elves used for farming. He made a shovel. Pixel planted the seeds and watered them: a process he would do daily.
Pixel visited Cella and Rae the next night and told them about his mother’s banishment. Cella began visiting the farm and gathered food for Epifenie. Cella wasn’t allowed to leave the community, so she put the food in a basket and placed it near the edge of town where Pixel could find it. Pixel couldn’t carry the basket, so he dragged it home. Over time, this made Pixel very strong. Epifenie was shocked when she discovered Pixel lugging the basket. She rushed to him and Pixel explained the relationship he had made with Cella and Rae. Left without options, Epifenie gratefully accepted the help and wrote Cella a thank you letter which Pixel delivered.
After a week of receiving help, and continuous seed planting by Pixel, 2 dozen berry plants had sprouted. Pixel revealed the garden he had made to his mother. Epifenie’s hope returned and they both began farming.
Epifenie wasn’t the only mother to birth abnormal Elves. After a year from being banished, another mother prematurely birthed a single Fairy – like Pixel. This would occur countless times over the next 10 years until the source of birthing mutations was discovered to be caused by FroStones. FroStone mutation came to be a major science at the South Pole. Krampus was intrigued by the potential for creating new creatures with wings, so he tested expecting mothers of various species of animals captured from the wild. This introduced different types of creatures, including: Ogres, trolls, gremlins, and numerous others which will be covered in “Other Creatures.”
Epifenie and Pixel’s banishment area became a paradise haven for Fairies. Minds began to change and many Elves of the South Pole grew to love the Fairies. The Fairy haven wasn’t dependent on the Elves whatsoever, so they established their own community. Cella and Rae helped cultivate a Elven community that cohabitated with the Fairies. There were still some Elves, though, who grew a deep rooted hatred for Fairies.
As a result, the Fairy community divided, as did the Elves. The Fairies who hated the Elves became known as the Unfairies, who pledged servitude to Krampus.
After many years of contemptuous situations, the cohabitating Fairies and Elves moved away from the South Pole and migrated to the North Pole. This perilous journey became known as the Chaorctic Expedition.
The Elves who stayed at the South Pole would eventually die out as the Elvils rose to prominence after Krampus enacted the annual survival of the fittest tradition among the Elves for birthing rights.
Pixel, the world’s first Fairy, died due to pneumonia during the Chaorctic Expedition – only hours before the ship made it to the Arctic. He was instrumental in navigating the safest path, scouting areas for docking along the way, and creating a route for all future voyages. Pixel was 36 years old when he passed away. Pixel was survived by his wife, Willo, and 35 children. His wife, Cella, Rae, and his children, created a statue as a memorial, which is located at the North Pole. He was buried in the Christmas Spirits Graveyard.
Pixel’s favorite pastime was telling stories to children, especially his own. When Pixel passed away, his tail dislocated itself from his body, however, it still continued to glow a bluish green. Whoever held Pixel’s tail became filled with optimism and motivation. For this reason, Pixel’s tail was used by other storytellers when they engaged in storytelling – like a muse. Thus, the Fairy Tale was born.
To this day, all Fairies are born with glowing tails, however, tails typically fall off once a Fairy matures into adolescence. When tails fall off, they are perfectly straight and continue to glow even if the Fairy passes away. Fairy tails are passed on from generation to generation. Every additional Fairy that enters the world makes Pixel’s tail glow brighter. The brighter a tail glows, the more powerful it’s effect. When Santa lost his beloved reindeer friend, Dolph(father of Rudolph), Willo(Pixel’s widow) gifted Santa – Pixel’s tail to help him during his time of grief. Ferth Moggins(the Elfessor) hollowed out Santa’s FroStone necklace and set Pixel’s tail inside of it. Santa has worn that necklace daily ever since. Pixel’s tail/FroStone necklace is the source of Santa’s unrelenting optimism, focus, and determination.

The Fairies
All Fairies are born with glowing tails. Fairy tails are very strong and rigid, with a sharp point, or arrowhead shape, on the end. This evolutionary purpose was to deter bird predators from swooping down on them when they are at their most vulnerable ages. Tails can stab, or maim, flying predators when attacking. The tail, like their antennae, assist Fairies with radar detection. Once a Fairy reaches adolescence, they have enough power to easily defend themselves from predators. In fact, Fairies are have unparalleled agility, endurance, and short distance speeds. Pound for pound, they’re the strongest creatures on earth and can carry, or tow, 8-15x their body weight depending on their wingspan. Pixel, the first Fairy, was reported to carry an 11 year old boy from the ocean back onto a ship after he went overboard. With wet clothes, the boy was estimated to weigh around 46 kilograms, or just over 100 lbs!
Fairies of different/distant territories have evolved significantly different over thousands of years. Red Fairies typically live near active volcanoes and are usually called Unfairies due to the cultural differences of other Fairies. Blue Fairies typically live near water. Green Fairies typically live in forests or gardens. Brown Fairies typically live near mountains, deserts, or caves. Black Fairies typically live near the North or South Poles. White Fairies live near very cold climates. Aside from Black, White, or Brown Fairies, other colored Fairies typically gain other colors that reflect the geological aspects around them, such as flora coloring. These colors are usually vibrant like the flower blooms they suckle from. Blue and Green Fairies usually have hints of yellow, purple, orange, red, or pink when they enter adolescence which is when they usually lose their tail.

The UnFairies
Like the Elvils, Unfairies are mutated… versions of Fairies. They are Krampus’s littlest helpers. Instead of taking baby teeth that have fallen out, they wield tiny pickaxes and mine out people’s teeth. They have an incredible sense of smell and can smell bad breath and sugar from 3 kilometers away. If you don’t brush your teeth before bed, they’ll detect your foul breath or the sugar still on your teeth. Then they sneak in your mouth and start mining your teeth. The Unfairies call it “minecrafting” and after they’re done, you’re left with a cavity.
Unfairies are reddish because they blended in with magma. Their main predators are flying birds, like the albatross and the gulls. While Fairies can typically defend themselves, they get surprised every now and then, but the Fairies that weren’t reddish, were eaten by predators to extinction. The Unfairies evolved to be stronger and slightly larger than Fairies.

Santas of the World
Yes, there are numerous multicultural Santas which are descendants of the original Santa Claus. Santa is hundreds(possibly thousands) of years old. The original Santa Claus has experienced love and loss more than anyone else. He’s fallen in love numerous times and fathered children over the years when he explored the Earth. Unlike Santa, his previous romances concluded with him being a serial widower due to the aging process in which he was immune to. Because his descendants all share part of Santa’s DNA, they also share his powers and help deliver the spirit and presents to their respective territories. Santa’s descendants all share the Santa Jr. name, but utilize their middle names, which align with a common name associated to their culture, as to differentiate among themselves. There is a Santa rendition for nearly every heavily populated country in the world.

RudeOaf: Rudolph's Deranged Clone
Coming Soon…